From Fashion to Tech

The past three months has changed my life drastically. I decided to abandon my uninspiring marketing job to come to the Web Development Immersive boot camp at General Assembly. I knew the course was going to be challenging but I had no idea how and how much it would change me until it happened.

I will not lose my interest in fashion and design but I’ve developed a new obsession in the name of coding. Every day, every hour, learning, coding, terminal commanding, deploying, trouble shooting, debugging…. Lots and lots of debugging.

I wouldn’t say the course has made me “smarter”, though it did equip me with a lot of knowledge. The most important aspect of this experience is that it helped me fulfill my Potential, something I have always had. Since this is still a fashion blog, I’m posting link to my first-ever web application that I built with Ruby on Rails:

 Note to self: Heroku restart will reveal a lot of errors otherwise hidden.